Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dialogues With Dignity Show January 17, 2012

"Peace starts within us- we cannot bring to the world what we do not have to offer." -Daily OM (January 5, 2012) (found at )

Today is January 14 and this is my first blog post of 2012. I have spent most of the first two weeks of January recovering from a bad kidney infection and the antibiotics that mess with my stomach and give me a headache the first three days of taking it. 

I am also officially dieting, which I rarely do. I am a vegetarian and have diabetes so most diets just don't fit. I will let you know how this goes. I have lost one and a fourth pounds this week. I am hoping now that the doctors have finally diagnosed me with a thyroid problem and I am on medication for it, I can finally lose weight and get healthier. I will post more on this topic soon.

On January 17 at 5:30 ET/4:30 CT, I will be a guest on Dialogues With Dignity, one of my favorite radio talk shows.  The show isn't live but it will be taped and posted shortly after it is finished. I so enjoy being on the show with my friends Dan Hays, Ellen Brown and Stash Serafin. In the meantime, there are plenty of other shows that you might want to listen to. The link is as follows:

Some of Dialogues With Dignity's latest show were on topics such as:
Feeling Good Without Feeling Guilty
Listening Between The Lines
Creative Waiting
Faith at the Crossroads
Timing Is Everything

The show on January 17 has the topic of learning to love yourself as part of your healing process. I am not sure of the title. I will come back and post the title and the link when it is posted. As always, I am looking forward to this talk with my friends Dan, Ellen and Stash.

My friend Dan Hays from Dialogues With Dignity has a birthday this week on Sunday.  Happy Birthday Dan.  Hope you have a glorious birthday and 2012. 

Related Articles:

DialoguesWithDignity Guest February 23, 2011 @ topic was "Reconciliation Is It Always Possible?"

Dialogues With Dignity: Progress Over Perfection @ topic was "Progress Over Perfection"


sweetwahine said...

I love the photos. I was recently told I was a light worker and been trying to find as much info on the subject. I found your blog on bloglovin and wanted to start following. Every-time I comment I check out your sponsors and adds. Hope you are having a good day and I cant wait to read more!! <3 officially following.


Patricia Singleton said...

SweetWahine, I am having a great day, thank you. I am wondering whose blog you think you are leaving a comment on? I only have one photo on my profile and I don't have any ads or sponsors on my blog at all. I am truly puzzled by your comment.