Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fear Is My Friend

Today I refuse to let fear stop me. It may still occasionally slow me down until I gain an inner awareness of what I am doing.

Courage is making fear your friend rather than letting it control you. Making fear your friend means acknowledging it for what it is. Now is the time to say, "Hello Fear, here we are walking hand in hand again. Thank you for showing me that something needs to change."

Most of you face challenges every day. Sometimes the challenges come out on top. Other times, you come out victorious and stronger for facing the challenge. Facing the challenges and fear is what the lessons of Life are all about. Do not allow fear to stop you from living your life.

Conquer fear and go on to the next day and conquer fear again. Facing fear is what makes you strong. Facing fear is what makes you courageous. Now is the time to say, "Hello Fear. Thanks for making Life such a wonderful adventure of discovery."

To quote Lindsay McKenna in her romance novel---Morgan's Mercenaries III, Maverick Hearts, Man of Passion---on page 141:
". . . 'No one and nothing has the right to stop you on your own path as you become all you can be, Ari.' " (Ari is the name of the heroine in the book that I am reading.)

This is true for each of us. You all have the ability to face your own fears and to become a better person than you were through that effort. It doesn't matter that you are still afraid. Be afraid. Be very afraid. It is ok. Being afraid doesn't mean you are failing or that you are a failure. Sitting still, doing nothing that is failure. Moving forward, even if it is only one step at a time, is success. Life is about being all that you can be. Being all that you can be is your real Life's purpose.

Embrace your fear with Love. That is the answer to every challenge that you face.


Sumiran said...

Hi Patricia,
I am first time visitor of your blog. It is inspiring.
making fear a friend is a wonderful task.
BTW I have included you in my Blogroll

Patricia Singleton said...

Sumiran, thank you. I will check out your blog sometime soon. I am pleased that you were inspired by my words.

Anonymous said...

Patricia, I love this post. Just this morning I was speaking with a client about fear. The idea that we "should" be fear-less will keep us stuck, constantly expending lots of energy trying to get rid of fear.

When we get friendly with fear, we realize that fear itself is nothing to be afraid of! And while fear may be there, it does not in any way contribute to the choices that create our experience.


Patricia Singleton said...

Andrea, I love your comment. It says what I wanted to say in my article. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi Patricia. This was an inspiring post.

Fear is one of the symptoms of having arrived, I think. Last night I went to a Toastmasters meeting for the first time in 7 years. I didn't have to give a speech since I was there as a guest, but the fear was there just the same. My turn will come at the podium.

Patricia Singleton said...

Davina, I remember taking a required Speech class in college and being terrified of getting up in front of the class and giving my speeches. I could take a 10 minute speech and give it in 3 minutes flat. Because of my fear, I talked faster. I learned so much about myself because of that class. I am glad it was a required subject because I would never have learned so much otherwise. Today, I get nervous still but I can and do get up in front of groups of people to talk.

Anonymous said...

Very nice writing - thank you for sharing your insight about fear.

I sometimes think I forget that fear is basic to us and saves our lives more often than not - especially from saber toothed tigers - I get wrapped up in the perceived outcomes rather than it is a powerful motivator.
If I want to write something worthwhile and I fear some will not like it - the fear gathers me up to edit with a keener eye to making my point - and tests my resolve to just put it out there and see what others say or how they respond.
Fear is a primitive emotional response but a great light house to keep me safe and guide me forward.

Patricia Singleton said...

Patricia, thank you. As a writer, I tend to do the same thing with my articles, especially the ones that are really important to me. Fear raises your awareness.

Jannie Funster said...

Your last sentence (and all sentences that preceded it,) say it all.

I like the idea of walking hand-in-hand with fear, it you can't beat it - join it,eh?

Patricia Singleton said...

Jannie, yes, the last sentence does say it all. For so many years I felt like I was carrying my fears on my shoulders. It really weighed me down. Walking hand in hand with fear is a lot easier than carrying it around. My fears today are much more manageable.

Lance said...

"Embrace your fear with love" - Patricia, that line really does it for me. What a wonderful thought! Love is so powerful - when we really allow it in - in all it's forms. Thank you for this message of hope...

Patricia Singleton said...

Lance, thank you. Embrace your fear with love is a lesson that I am still learning to use. Yes, love is the most powerful tool that we have. Love connects us to our Divine Self.

Grace said...

Hi Patricia. I was reading your post and I can say, I like the way you express your thoughts. You are somewhat unique. I enjoyed reading your post.
May you have a happy Monday. :)

Patricia Singleton said...

Hi Grace, I am glad that you liked my post. Writing has always been my favorite way to express myself. I have written so many journals over the years as an exercise in me getting to know me. Writing stimulates me and reading others' comments here and on other blogs inspire me to think and feel even more. Thanks for being a part of my day. Have a glorious day yourself.

I don't see my uniqueness very often so thank you for reminding me. I love the differences in people in their ideas and their personalities. The world today is so big and at the same time so small, things were definitely get boring if we are all completely alike, wouldn't it.

Anonymous said...

You kindly remind people fear is a friend who actually teaches people about other dimensions of love. Rather than reject fear, it silently asks to be embraces and better understood.

Patricia Singleton said...

Liara, I believe that our life purpose is all about love and its different dimensions. Fear is the trigger that tells us we aren't being loving.

Anonymous said...

Hi Patricia

Each time I face and move through fear, I imagine I'm bowling over a skittle.
Come to think of it, I need to take action on this in some areas.

Thank you for the encouragement and the reminder.


Patricia Singleton said...

Juliet, I am glad that I could be a catalyst for change. I, too, have some areas that I need to become active in facing more of my own fears.

River of Karma said...

Hello Patricia,
I think I've said it before - You're words are a source of strength to all of us. Its you who teach us, and I couldn't be more glad.

How you're so loving thru your words I dont know!

Thanks for dropping by, and especially for the kind words.


Patricia Singleton said...

RoK, you are very welcome and thank you. My strength comes out in the sharing. Speaking my truth is what heals me.

Anonymous said...

Patricia, anything that is not love directs human beings back to that crucial point from which they digressed.

Patricia Singleton said...

Liara, can you explain your statement with a little more detail. I want to make sure that I understand your point. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Yes! I know this...yet it still takes lots of practice to embrace fear. But fear is teacher and one I need to learn more from.

Patricia Singleton said...

Thezeninyou, I am like you. It takes lots of practice to get this one. Fear has been my biggest teacher about myself.

Unknown said...

What a great post Patricia; inspiring! So not turn from our fear but to learn from it that we also contain and hold courage. Fear can be a wonderful teacher:)

Patricia Singleton said...

Susan, thank you. As you said, "Fear can be a wonderful teacher." I have learned more from fear than any other method in my life. Without fear, courage would not exist. Have a glorious day.